29 December, 2006

Mi querida Cracovia...

La conoci cuando eramos jovenes y virgenes, llenos de deseos y valor... Ahora regreso despues de tres anos, poquito tiempo, largo tiempo, tiempo para morir y nacer... Mi querida Cracovia, tan especial, tan bonita, fuera del tiempo...

The Joy of writting

Each drop of ink contains a fair supply
of hunters, equipped with squinting eyes behind their sights,
prepared to swarm the sloping pen at any moment,
surround the doe, and slowly aim their guns.

Wislawa Szymborska - Polish poet - born in 1923- Nobel Prize 1996

22 December, 2006

Merry Christmas? Really?

I just hope that when your beloved wish you
a merry christmas and a happy new year
they do believe in what they're saying
it's just a little hope... a little bit of faith...

Lots of love to all of you!

Paris sera toujours Paris

Paris sera toujours Paris
La plus belle ville du monde
Malgré l'obscurité profonde
Son éclat ne peut être assombri
Paris sera toujours Paris!

Maurice Chevalier

13 December, 2006


Working for the BID... on a consultancy project linked to labour discrimination...

Terms of reference to be defined in January with a rep of the Paris office...

Really looking forward to it!

Bye London, Paris here I come!

Dear Library...
I am going to miss you during the Christmas break...
See you on the 3rd of January...
Lots of energy!

12 December, 2006

Un mois après l'investiture de Ségolène...

... et un malheureux voyage au Moyen-Orient...

Une destination difficile pour quelqu'un qui n'a aucune expérience internationale... et une position plus que fluctuante et des propos très controverses... ça souffle le chaud et le froid et laisse la France et ses alliés assez perplexe... Que veut-elle?

... Conclusion: déçue et encore plus confuse... Pour qui vais-je voter?

Pinochet's death...

A dictator's death is always a bit of fresh air...

Shame this one has not been judged so families who suffered losses under the dictatorship would heal their wounds...

06 December, 2006

Londoner... LSEer...

... 3 months here in London and just about to leave on holidays and cross the chanel...

... 3 months of living in and for the LSE...

...3 months of hard work...

3 months of learning, knowing, meeting, thinking, arguing, debating, addressing, tackling, changing, walking, eating, sleeping, loving, hating, spending...

3 months... and 9 to go!